Epinephrine for Anaphylaxis in Code Carts

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Epinephrine for Anaphylaxis in Code Carts

Hello colleagues,

The simple question I have is: are you stocking epinephrine for anaphylaxis in code carts (in any form: amps/vials, pens, kits)?

Background: Med error with verbal order for epinephrine IV for anaphylaxis. We stock anaphylaxis kits in Pyxis, not in the code carts. Nurses think that if we had the kit in the code cart, the error may have been prevented (thinking the kit would have prompted the RN to question the route further).

I find no best practices or gold standard for code cart stock. So, I am curious what this group thinks about whether epi for anaphylaxis should be stocked in a code cart.

Megan Fragale, PharmD, MS, BCPS
Medication Safety Officer
Skagit Regional Health