We are working on providing data as far as how we are doing in common medication safety metrics, but for many items I am struggling with finding benchmark goals, which are being requested from upper management. For example, we use ISMP's guidance for Alaris Guardrail use and aim for a target goal of 95%, for BCMA we use Leapfrog which has 95% for patient and med identified.
I am curious what others are doing for goals for the below metrics.... Am also curious the size and scope of your organization in order to compare.
1. a. Dispenses via automated dispense cabinet (ADC) override.
b. Do you use different goals for different units (ICUs versus Psych unit?)
2. Use of compounding workflow scanning. We use Cerner's IV Workflow monitor for both IVs and oral compounds.
3. a. Admission medication histories completed in 24 hours.
b. Admission medication reconciliations completed in 24 hours.
c. Discharge medication reviews and/or reconciliations prior to discharge.
4. Alert fatigue numbers? We look at percent over alerts suppressed without a reason entered for why over total alters fired to indicated non-meaningful alerts/all alerts and roughly percent of alert fatigue.
5. Percent of orders with dose-range checking in place.
6. Percent of orders placed using a standard order set.
Thank you for any information as far as what your health systems are doing with any of these.