Hazardous medications in the ambulatory setting

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Rachel Fortin
Rachel Fortin's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 02/07/2023 - 08:31
Hazardous medications in the ambulatory setting

Looking to see if anyone else has developed any take home resources regarding hazardous medications that are dispensed in the retail setting for caregivers. Inpatient we have warnings to nurses at the ADC and many resources available. But for patients who are being discharged home with a hazardous medication they or a caregiver may be manipulating (ie: crushing or opening for g-tube administration) that level of hazard (especially reproductive hazard) may not always be communicated in the drug monograph that is dispensed (Thinking along the lines of a pregnant person as a caregiver). We are exploring ways to communicate this, but would love to hear what others may be doing.

