Identification of High-Alert Medications in EHR

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Emily K D'Anna
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Last seen: 2 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 02/07/2017 - 11:38
Identification of High-Alert Medications in EHR

Hi there ~
Question for the group regarding High Alert Medications.

Does your organization currently have any sort of "identifier" or visual cue, etc. built into the EHR to alert end users to the fact that a medication is considered 'high-alert'? if so, would you mind providing information on how you have this set up / what it looks like.

We are on Epic and currently have "hazardous medications" identified very clearly / visually on the MAR; and then we also have the forced dual sign-off functionality turned on for our "smaller IDC" list (which shows a 'double-check mark' on the MAR.

However, we are talking about how to best identify our high alert medications at the sharp end without it becoming 'white noise'.

Would be interested in learning about what other organizations are doing to identify these high alert medications (images or examples would be greatly appreciated too)!

Thanks so much!
