Isovue-M vs Isovue - how do you safeguard route administration?

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Maja Stoneberg
Maja Stoneberg's picture
Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
Joined: 09/08/2023 - 11:45
Isovue-M vs Isovue - how do you safeguard route administration?

Our institution is considering switching to Isovue and Isovue-M for contrast.

Isovue is not indicated for intrathecal use, while Isovue-M is specifically
indicated for intrathecal use. For those of you who already stock this contrast, curious how you ensure that Isovue is not being inadvertently used if an intrathecal injection is planned?

I believe Isovue-M (intrathecal formulation) is only available in 15 mL vials compared to multiple larger vials sizes of Isovue, but wondering if you have any other safeguards to ensure correct formulation is given via correct route?

Thank you!