Hello! Please see the SBAR below and make sure to like the post linked at the end if your facility could also use this EPIC functionality for titratable IVIG order.
Current EPIC ERx build (Sanford Health Fargo) for IVIG titratable infusion does not allow for safe IVIG administration and documentation.
Current ERx for IVIG has rate adjustments built within the administration instructions and an external excel sheet calculator is used to determine patient specific infusion rate (based on weight) and rate adjustments. Our institution has identified issues for potential errors, including missed rate adjustments due to lack of nursing prompts on MAR, as well as no documentation on MAR to verify how med was given. Because EPIC bills upon administration, this creates potential billing issues as well.
The cyclic ERx built in EPIC (currently used for TPN) has the functionality and safety parameters needed for titratable infusions like IVIG. Currently, EPIC has not built a cyclic ERx for anything other than TPN, but if EPIC could create a cyclic type of build for other medication infusions that require rate adjustments, it would help solve the issues identified above.
Would love to hear how others are solving the issues identified with IVIG build!
If your institution struggles, like we have, with IVIG build limitations, please go to the link below which is a post on EPIC’s UserWeb asking for cyclic build ERx type to be considered.
**LIKE the post and comment on the link to help gain momentum in support of a new build from epic. If epic has enough interest in requesting cyclic ERx build then, there is a greater likelihood of them focusing efforts here.
Thank you!