Lasix and Bumex continuous infusions requiring dual witness for administration

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Melissa Ruffini
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Last seen: 3 weeks 10 hours ago
Joined: 01/18/2023 - 13:19
Lasix and Bumex continuous infusions requiring dual witness for administration

Hello everyone,

Our pediatric CVICU nurses have recently brought a concern to the attention of the Medication Safety Committee at our facility, the concern is regarding continuous Lasix and Bumex infusions being added to the high alert medication list and requiring dual sign off with administration/titrations. Within this patient population, diuretic dosing errors can lead to patient harm and our CVICU nurses feel strongly that these infusions require a dual sign off.

We are working on ways to mitigate these errors but wanted to ask if any other facilities or heart centers have added continuous Lasix or Bumex infusions to your high alert medication list.

Thank you,
Melissa Ruffini, RN, BSN, CPN
Advanced Clinical Nurse