Looking for a few Directors of Pharmacy, or Pharmacy key decision makers for purchasing

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Melinda Cozza
Melinda Cozza's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: 04/15/2015 - 13:10
Looking for a few Directors of Pharmacy, or Pharmacy key decision makers for purchasing

Med-ERRS, a subsidiary of ISMP, is looking for a few Directors of Pharmacy, or Pharmacy key decision makers for purchasing, who will be attending the ASHP Summer Meetings & Exhibition in Denver to participate in an evening advisory board. The advisory board will be focused on how certain products currently are prepared in the pharmacy, what the process is for including a new preparation on the formulary, who the key decision-makers are for this change, and how this change may impact pharmacy workflow.

The advisory board will take place on Saturday, June 2, from 5 to 9 pm and an honorarium will be provided.

If you are interested or have questions, please contact Susan Proulx, PharmD at sproulx@med-errs.com directly. Please attach your resume.
