Hi everyone!
I just wanted some input on how different institutions handled medication due times in Epic (for this who have it). I'm sure you all have experienced the issue of due times defaulting to the exact instant the order was signed (i.e. if a provider put in an order at 1500, it would be due at 1500). While this is not a problem for doses that come from the Pyxis/ADC, those originating from the central pharmacy often get documented as a delay since pharmacy was not given enough time to make the dose, nor nursing enough time to give it. I was just curious about how you all navigate this issue.
Does your respective institution have automatic due time-rounding or are pharmacists allowed to adjust the due time on errant orders when verifying? If the later model is implemented, are there any perceived issues from nursing/providers regarding changing these due times?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Joseph Vu, PharmD
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Email: joseph.vu@cchmc.org