NICU Small Volume Infusions

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Kelly Salzar
Kelly Salzar's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 day ago
Joined: 11/12/2019 - 10:12
NICU Small Volume Infusions

I am reaching out to see what other facilities are doing in regards to low volume intermittent infusions in the NICU.
After our institution converted to Alaris from Medfusion Pumps in our Neonatal ICU, there was a lot of confusion on the process and questions of what is the best process for administering intermittent medications whose volumes were less than 0.8 mL (i.e., just enough volume to clear tubing + ports). We are currently priming to the baby and then running a flush at the rate of the medication however this is causing some confusion.

Can you tell me what process you are following at Cooks?
1. Do you administer intermittent medications using Alaris pumps?

2. What is the process for those medications whose volumes are less than 0.8mL? (i.e., overfill to 1 mL, prime medication to patient and run flush after, does flush run at same rate as medication or a standardized rate)

3. Do you have PUMP interoperability?
a. How does your process work with interoperability?

4. Are you willing to share your standard concentrations for your IV medications?