Nitrous oxide for labor analgesia

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Renu Bajwa
Renu Bajwa's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 04/21/2016 - 13:45
Nitrous oxide for labor analgesia

Does any institution currently utilize nitrous oxide for non-neuraxial labor analgesia? If so, would you be willing to share:
1. A protocol or policy and procedure used to implement the program?
2. Vendors or manufacturers utilized for the blender and scavenger systems? At this point, I think we would be more interested in a portable system as opposed to having it piped through the wall.
3. Concentration utilized for the blend: 50/50 or other? Anyone using up to a 72/25 blend?
4. Outcomes analysis - How many conversions to epidurals are occurring? Will use of N2O be continued? Number of ADE's being reported by patients? Etc.

Thank you
