Hi Everyone,
ISMP has continued to promote safe storage & segregation of neuromuscular blockers (NMBs), target med safety best practices for hospitals, best practice 7. We have taken many safety measures for NMB vials, but the question has come up about safe storage of NMB drips. Especially with the significant increase in use over the past couple years with caring for COVID patients. The concern we have is once the drip leaves pharmacy (properly labeled), by tube station, or delivery, these bags are no longer stored in the same secure fashion as the NMB vials hospital-wide (for us lock lidded bin in ADC with scan upon removal and ADC screen warning).
Have any organizations taken additional safety measures with NMB drips? Are NMBs allowed to be tubed?
We have discussed the idea of treating NMB drips in similar fashion to a controlled substance drip (not necessarily a fan favorite).