Dear Medication Safety Colleagues,
I'd like to share an opportunity to submit a topic for the Safety and Quality Pearls session for the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting 2020. This is a well-attended session with outstanding tips for attendees and a rewarding opportunity to present at the Midyear. Please see more information below on how to submit your idea.
Hope to see you in New Orleans!
Safety and Quality Pearls is a highly-regarded two-hour session at the Midyear Clinical Meeting (MCM) that showcases 5 minute presentations that present one idea, concept, or fact that has been useful in day-to-day practice, and may not be widely known, understood, published, or taught.
What: Topics should be timely, highly relevant, or very innovative. ASHP will also be looking for a few COVID-19-related Pearls.
A Pearl is designed to convey one idea, concept, or fact that has been useful in day-to-day practice, and may not be widely known, understood, published, or taught. Keep in mind that these presentations are not intended to be a review of literature. While it is expected that the information is grounded in fact (and may be derived from research).
Successful Pearls presenters wow attendees with tactics that can be implemented back home after the Midyear. Pearl presentations should be based on acumen and years of practice, not a review of papers.
Who: A Pearl presenter is an experienced speaker who has a compelling Pearl to share. Ideally, they are also well-known and respected in their area of practice. A Pearls presenter should not be someone who has never spoken in front of a large audience or new to practice.
How: If you have a safety or quality pearl that you would like to submit for consideration, please use the Medication Safety and Quality Pearls Submission Survey to submit your topic.
When: Don't delay! The deadline for submission has been extended to June 21, 2020! Those who successfully have their topic chosen will be notified later this spring for follow up and further instruction. Please note that presenting a pearl at the Midyear does not include a complementary registration or honorarium.
To be considered for this fun and fast-moving session, submit your timely, highly relevant, or very innovative topic today!