PRN Pain Scales

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Joel W Daniel
Joel W Daniel's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 01/25/2018 - 09:33
PRN Pain Scales

We have continued feedback from regulatory surveyors regarding pain management and providing medication for the appropriate score.

Typically a handful of one-offs where the patient in one of the two areas:

  • The patient is under-or-over dosed going strictly off the pain score (examples: met moderate criteria but received med for either mild pain or severe pain).
  • Not documenting a pain score to support the first dose of an analgesic. Surprisingly, we do the follow-up pain documentation really well as this has a reflex task of 15 or 30 minutes depending on the agent.

Any advice on how we could address this that has been applied successfully at your organization?
