Hello All,
Would anyone be willing to share with me their current workflows in the OR for CS and Propofol handling, including waste procedures?
•How is it stored in the A-stations? We have Propofol in drawers with other medication. Florida has not designated Propofol as a CS yet.
•Does anesthesia do any sort of reconciliation/inventory count at the end of each case?
•Is a waste witness required?
•How is CS and Propofol wasted (eg. cactus sink, waste bin)? Our Anesthesia has concerns with infection risk into the Stericycle CSRX container dwelling for extended periods of time.
•Where is this bin located? Ours is inside the OR. How often is the waste bin replaced?
Thank you for your time and assistance! =0)
Sonia Leon, PharmD, BCPS
Medication safety Quality Coordinator
South Miami Hospital, Miami, FLorida