Purchasing new smart pumps

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Meghan Frear
Meghan Frear's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 06/16/2014 - 14:28
Purchasing new smart pumps

Our health system is looking at switching out our current smart pump technology. Prior to sending an RFP, we would like to hear how other institutions are satisfied with their own technology. Please respond to the following questions and thank you in advance for your help!
1. What size hospital are you in?
2. What kinds of pumps do you use and are any of them integrated with your electronic medical record?
3. Overall, do you feel the pumps are performing well in your environment?
4. Do nurses have any complaints with the pumps?
5. How well is your working relationship with the vendor when questions or issues arise with the pump?
6. What sort of nurse training on smart pumps do you use?
7. Who manages your pump libraries?
8. Who investigates errors that occurred with a pump?
9. What advice do you have for someone who is considering purchasing these exact same pumps?

Please feel free to email me,
