Safety-Compromised Medications

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Michael Van Ornum
Michael Van Ornum's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 10/28/2015 - 16:37
Safety-Compromised Medications

This is an idea and suggestion for ISMP, open for discussion. Please add your thoughts and insights.

The helpful Action Agenda items often contain specific recommendations for medications noted to have safety concerns, whether from packaging, labeling, formulation, usage, or other qualities. It would be incredibly helpful if ISMP would maintain a database list of these medication descriptions, NDCs, and safety recommendations for reference, similar to the Do Not Crush list, or the Tallman Lettering List. Such a list of safety compromised medications could be used by wholesalers to flag products that carry additional safety actions, by hospitals when receiving infrequently purchased drugs as occurs with shortages, and by EMRs and automation resources to generate appropriate decision support when stocking, ordering, returning, and dispensing.