Standard Phenylephrine Concentration

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Katie L Conklen
Katie L Conklen's picture
Last seen: 4 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 12/22/2022 - 10:06
Standard Phenylephrine Concentration

Our Health System is working on standardizing our standard phenylephrine concentration based on ASHP Adult Standard Concentration recommendations and USP 797 recommendations, "compounders must consider parameters that may affect quality, including but not limited to: Chemical and physical stability properties of the drug and/or its formulation." We currently utilize phenylephrine 10mg/250mL, but this concentration does not have stability data to support the concentration. We recommended to switch to 50mg/250mL (200mcg/mL) as our standard concentration; however, our anesthesia department runs phenylephrine drips off smart pump based on drip rate and can't safely execute this concentration.

I was curious what other institutions standard phenylephrine concentrations is and how do you execute this within the OR.