TXA and Oxytocin compatibility

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Rhonda Zillmer
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Last seen: 6 days 4 hours ago
Joined: 02/02/2018 - 16:45
TXA and Oxytocin compatibility

We have seen an increase in the utilization of TXA in our OB population and questions regarding compatibility of these two drugs in the same line as infusions. Trissels has no compatibility data and I have not located in any other data to support administering these drugs together in the same line.

The OB physician provided the WHO recommendations on TXA which states: “TXA for injection may be mixed with most solutions for infusion, such as electrolyte solutions, carbohydrate solutions, amino acid solutions, and dextran solutions, and can be administered through the same IV cannula used for IV hydration or uterotonic administration. TXA should not be mixed with blood for transfusion, solutions containing penicillin, or mannitol.”

And he states our practice is contrary to practice across the Maternal Fetal Medicine Network (14 sites and over 30 centers). What is the standard at your site? Do you y-site these together in the same line?
