Tylenol max dosing

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Andrea Gimpel-B...
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Last seen: 3 months 1 day ago
Joined: 01/26/2018 - 09:12
Tylenol max dosing

MGMC allows 4 grams/24hr as an acceptable max daily dose of Tylenol. Is this similar to your institution? Or have you adopted a lower max dose (e.g. 3250mg)? We recently have had a couple patients experience Tylenol toxicity when they received the acceptable 4 gram/24 hr of Tylenol. We are exploring the idea of lowering the max dose of Tylenol, has anyone experienced the same thing and has made or is considering this change?

Thank you

Andrea Gimpel-Blanchard, PharmD
Director of Pharmacy
MaineGeneral Medical Center
35 Medical Center Parkway
Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: (207) 626-4133
Fax: (207) 626-4133
Pager: (207) 580-8001