Leap Frog Med Rec Audit

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Karin Terry
Karin Terry's picture
Last seen: 2 months 5 days ago
Joined: 02/02/2009 - 08:13
Leap Frog Med Rec Audit

Hello! I was hoping to get some feedback from others who have successfully implemented the Med Rec Audit for Leapfrog.
Previously when this was not a reported metris, we had not implemented this due to multiple changes that were happening in our overall structure. Now that this is a reported metric, we are trying to figure out how to implement without adding an FTE or removing a current Pharmacy provided Service. This seems like it will require a significant amount of time, so we would love to hear other's experiences.
We are a 14 hospital system with several large hospitals with 24 hour pharmacy coverage and multiple smaller hospitals without 24 hour coverage. Current state, our nurses gather the PTA med list on admission.

Some questions we have:
-How much time does this audit take on average?
-Do you have one person doing the audit or do you train all pharmacists?
-If you have multiple pharmacists performing this, how do you train your staff for consistent metrics?
-Any friendly advice for making this process more streamlined?

Thanks in advance for any and all guidance!
Karin Terry
