Alaris pump CCAs (with Epic interaoperability)

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Karen Thompson
Karen Thompson's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 05/03/2009 - 02:30
Alaris pump CCAs (with Epic interaoperability)

We are building out our Alaris drug library to have 6 CCAs: Adult ICU, Med/Surg, Pediatrics, Neonatal, Oncology, Obstetrics.

I have 2 questions:
1. We have a "step down" unit that uses many of the same drugs as the adult ICU, but with lower upper limits. They have requested we create a different CCA for them, so they can maintain their tighter upper limits (e.g., dopamine 10 mcg/kg/min for "step down" vs 30 mcg/kg/min for ICU). Has anyone run into this issue? I don't see any CCAs with that name, so it sounds like others must've solved this without creating a new CCA.

2. We plan to have interoperability with Epic in about 9-12 months. I've heard that BD recommends only having 2 libraries: Peds and adults. Why is that? Have others reduced their number of CCAs in preparation of interoperability? Can someone explain to me the downside of having 6 instead of 2? I understand that drips would have to be stopped and reprogrammed when transferring between units, but that is the only downside I can think of.