Anticoagulant hold/resume after discharge

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Viktoriya Ingram
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Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 07/20/2017 - 14:23
Anticoagulant hold/resume after discharge


I wanted to see if anyone has a suggestion to successfully document in a discharge (after-visit) summary when the patient should resume anticoagulant/antiplatelet medication(s) after a procedure that did not require inpatient admission. We use Epic and can't find a way to have a hard stop for providers to enter this information (e.g., hold for 3 days, resume on XXX). Also, if they add it to Sig in the existing Epic order (from community pharmacy), then it generates another outpatient prescription, increasing the risk of confusion, errors, and/or delays in refills because the proceduralist/anesthesiologist is not the main prescriber for the medication. We were thinking of adding this information to the Patient Discharge Instructions section but apparently there is no way to make it a hard stop requirement specific to the drug class. Also, it doesn't stand out in the after-visit summary as the Medication List does. We also considered adding information as next steps in the calendar section but there is no good way to make providers include the required information. So, we are struggling to find a way to ensure provider enters the required information and it is easily visible in the after-visit summary for nurses to educate the patient and for the patient to refer to later on.

Could you please share your approach?
Thank you in advance.