Antineoplastic/chemo for non-oncology indications

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Tanya John
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Joined: 04/09/2018 - 10:55
Antineoplastic/chemo for non-oncology indications

At out institution, we are revisiting this topic and updating our policies...

Would you mind sharing a policy/guideline related to:

1) Antineoplastic agents for non-oncology indications? (eg methotrexate, IV/PO cyclophosphamide)

2) Biologic agents given for non-oncology indications? (eg rituximab, infliximab)

3) Do you require informed consent for either 1 or 2? If so, do you require re-consenting each year?

Thank you,

Tanya John, PharmD, CPPS
Medication Safety Coordinator
Department of Pharmacy
Massachusetts General Hospital