Baxter Shanghai Bags 0.9% NaCl 250 mL Bags- potential coring with CSTDs?

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Jennifer Carrol...
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Joined: 03/11/2022 - 13:23
Baxter Shanghai Bags 0.9% NaCl 250 mL Bags- potential coring with CSTDs?

As part of our Baxter IV fluid allocation, we have received two imports from Shanghai of normal saline 250mL bags. Import codes are A6C1322 (bag printed in Mandarin with no barcode), and A6C1322US (bag printed in English with barcode). When these bags were used to prepare hazardous medications using a closed system transfer device (CSTD) in the cleanroom, particulate matter was detected in the bag immediately after preparation. This occurred with two trials and so our health system plans to not use these bags with CSTDs.

For sites that have received these bags, have you had any trouble with particulate matter being visible following compounding? If so, with what medications?

Thank you!
