Black Box Warning updates and dissemination

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Shannon Manzi
Shannon Manzi's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Joined: 05/07/2020 - 13:30
Black Box Warning updates and dissemination

Does anyone have a process for disseminating updates to black box warnings to your prescribers? We have weighed the options we could think of and none are great. If we email all prescribers, it is spam to those who never prescribe the drug and email is ignored even by those for whom it would be relevant. If we target the email to specific departments, we run the risk of missing those outside the notified departments who also prescribe the drug. If we post it somewhere centrally, then it requires the prescriber to go there to look (not likely). Pop up alerts in the EHR were shot down immediately, given the alert fatigue that already exists and the limitations of the alerts to be targeted appropriately. The update is currently posted in real time on our online formulary, but the prescriber is unlikely to go to the formulary to look up a drug they prescribe all the time. Catch 22! Thanks in advance for any creative ideas.
