Call for Speakers - ASHP MCM18 Safety and Quality Pearls

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Sarah Stephens
Sarah Stephens's picture
Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: 08/25/2017 - 18:12
Call for Speakers - ASHP MCM18 Safety and Quality Pearls

Hello All,

I am program chair for the upcoming Safety and Quality Pearls session at the ASHP Midyear meeting in December. Pearls are 5 minute presentations on a practical idea, intervention or concept that has improved the quality or safety of care. Each topic should be interesting and not necessarily common knowledge. Pearls are designed to be based on a presenter’s work experience rather than a review of literature.

These sessions are a lot of fun and are a great way to share knowledge and network. Please consider submitting a brief proposal by **May 11th**

Please send a proposed title, learning objective, and a brief description. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you!
