Celestone (betamethasone)

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Jameika M. Stuckey
Jameika M. Stuckey's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 02/13/2018 - 15:27
Celestone (betamethasone)

Hey all,

Happy Monday! I wanted to reach out to see what others may be doing with regards to Betamethasone in your L&D areas. We are working to find a solution to an issue with regards to getting the product to the area in a timely manner to get administered to mom as quickly as possible. But do to some logistical issues, this is something we continue to battle. We are preparing doses in our IV room and then having to get product delivered. We have entertained putting the vials on our ADCs but due to product shortages (and only receiving allocation) we are working to prevent as much waste as possible.

Would you mind sharing what you do at your respective institution? I did speak with one institution and they were previously working with a 503b pharmacy to have prefilled, 12 mg single dose vials but when product shortages occurred, the pharmacy no longer provided and the hospital went with the decision to just add the MDV on their ADCs, treated them as SDV and just cut their losses.

I appreciate any input that you may have.

Jameika Stuckey
University of Mississippi
