Dantrolene reconstitution with sterile water for injection

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Cynthia Turner
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Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 08/25/2014 - 11:41
Dantrolene reconstitution with sterile water for injection

The Malignant Hyperthermia Assoc. of the US (MHAUS) recommends stocking 100 mL sterile water for injection vials (without a bacteriostatic agent) to reconstitute dantrolene. These vials are not available from our suppliers (all have a bacteriostatic agent in them)and the Nurse Educators state that it would take too long to reconstitute each vial individually and therefore use a bag of sterile water for injection and use a "transfer infusion set" that utilizes one bag for multiple dilutions, thereby saving time.

I would appreciate if anyone could let me know what sterile water they stock in their malignant hyperthermia kits (vials or bags); if vials - how do you overcome the time it takes to dilute multiple vials? If bags, do you stock the 2 L bags or the 1 L bags?

Medication Safety Pharmacist
Island Health, B.C. Canada