Dialysis Unit Workflows with Correction/Mealtime Insulin

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Paul MacDowell
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Last seen: 5 days 12 hours ago
Joined: 07/13/2017 - 22:23
Dialysis Unit Workflows with Correction/Mealtime Insulin

When our floor pts go to our dialysis unit, we are having challenges ensuring continuation of correctional/mealtime insulin therapy. We dispense insulin as patient-specific pens, and often this pen does not follow the pt to dialysis. We can place insulin vials into the ADM, however this presents issues since floor orders do not link to the vial in the ADM. We are hesitant to create additional orders and insulin dispensing workflows for these dialysis unit patients, since this may create additional sources of error. Have others successfully navigated similar issues? Any suggestions?

Paul MacDowell, PharmD
UC Davis