Drug - Disease Warning Utilization

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Kevin M. Patton
Kevin M. Patton's picture
Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
Joined: 12/08/2020 - 16:51
Drug - Disease Warning Utilization

We are a pediatric Epic(with First Data Bank) facility and currently working on reducing alarm fatigue in our systems. We have a suggestion before our committee currently to disable all Drug-Disease Warnings in the system. We have data showing that these warnings are bypassed 98.8% of the time and are looking into what happens the other 1.2% (same drug ordered later, or drug changed). One of the questions our committee got hung up on was whether or not other facilities utilize these warnings. We currently have ours restricted to 'severe warnings' only and show to both providers and pharmacists. What are the rest of you all doing?