Exparel- Bupivacaine liposome injection- Scanning errors?

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Ivyruth Andreica
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Last seen: 6 days 14 hours ago
Joined: 07/08/2014 - 08:45
Exparel- Bupivacaine liposome injection- Scanning errors?

Dear colleagues,

If you have a few minutes, would you please tell us if you are having any trouble scanning Exparel? We are curious as someone reported to us that their system is not able to scan Exparel's barcode as it contains a large amount of characters. We contacted the company but thus far no feedback. We are doing data gathering all the same.

If you are able to scan the product, would you please let us know whether you have had to do any adjustments on your computer system, what computer system you use (EPIC, Medi-Tech etc) to accomodate the product and also if possible what kind (ID vs 2D) of scanner do you have?

Would also like to hear if you are not able to scan the product and what you are doing to take care of the problem.

We really appreciate your time! Hope to hear from you.

Thank you!

Ivy Andreica, BSN, PharmD

ISMP Fellow
