Fatigue Management and alertness testing

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Mary E. Burkhardt
Mary E. Burkhardt's picture
Last seen: 4 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 02/27/2018 - 09:28
Fatigue Management and alertness testing

HI All,
I really enjoyed the "Great Safety Debate" at the ASHP Annual meeting. As part of the follow up to the drug testing debate, I have begun to look at what pharmacies or hospitals have done for fatigue management/ alertness in a structured way. I had a recent discussion with a vendor that was mentioned at the debate and I think my coworkers were a bit surprised how pharmacies are staffed in the real world with call ins, doubles, 7 on 7 off midnights, etc. (often in violation of fatigue management principles).

It got me thinking if anyone had a structured process in your organization for fatigue management / alertness testing in general or specific to pharmacy? If you have something at your organization, would you be willing to share? (sounds like VA had something in the works and I will track that down and share if I find anything).

