Independent Double Checks

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Steve Mogridge
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Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 10/05/2014 - 11:12
Independent Double Checks

Topic: Independent Double Checks

Thank you for the ISMP / MSOS Safety Brief presentation today which addressed the recent discussions around Double Checks and their perceived utility. Even prior to the recent article being published, there has been some discussion in our system related to the effectiveness of IDC’s and the link to “social loafing”. We are on Epic and with the forcing functionality of dual sign off and the complexities associated, this has increased the intensity of the discussion. One area in our hospital is proposing an experiment of eliminating IDC’s and I have significant concerns. I am asking for some feedback from the group:

1. Has anyone trialed elimination of independent double checks? Did you turn off the forcing function within your EMR?
a. If so, did you see any impact to error rates?
b. Any lessons learned?

2. I am proposing reevaluating and adjusting our IDC list of medications as a compromise?
a. Has anyone recently adjusted their list to pare it down?
b. What medications/routes did you mandate need to stay as an independent double check?