IV Tylenol: waste vs immediate need

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DiAnthia Patrick
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Last seen: 1 week 6 days ago
Joined: 06/18/2014 - 01:01
IV Tylenol: waste vs immediate need

We're a pediatric hospital (300+ beds) and have a fairly large amount of orders for IV tylenol. The problem is we have so many orders as both scheduled and prn that we're running into problems balancing waste vs emergent need. How are you handling IV tylenol orders at your institution-both prn and scheduled. Is anyone stocking the large vials in their automated dispensing cabinet? We are now asking RNs to message Rx when prn doses are needed to avoid drawing them up and later discarding them because they've reached their beyond use date-- before they could get used.


DiAnthia Patrick, PharmD

Medication Safety Coordinator
Childrens National Health System
Washington DC