Look Alike/Sound Alike list

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Liz Hess
Liz Hess's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 11/02/2014 - 21:07
Look Alike/Sound Alike list

Hi All,

We are doing our annual review of our Look Alike/Sound alike policy and list, as required by TJC. We currently post our list at our pyxis machines, but are rethinking the utility of printing and posting it. The original intention was for nurses to be able to reference it day to day and when TJC arrives. We have been cited for having an ‘old list’ posted, even though reviewed and not changed.

1.Although TJC does not mandate to post this list, does your organization post it on care units?
1A. If so, where specifically?
1B. If no, how do you disseminate the information of safe guards for LASA medications?
2. If you have an list separate from the policy, how do you designate the review of the Med list, without using a date on the list?

Thank you!
