MM.05.01.07 EP2 Nurse prepared IV medications

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Jharana Tina Patel
Jharana Tina Patel's picture
Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Joined: 07/04/2009 - 22:48
MM.05.01.07 EP2 Nurse prepared IV medications

Hi All,

We are having a lively discussion about this in my department and am really looking for your help.

How do you address this EP?  Where does medication preparation occur when it is outside of the pharmacy?

Do you have one space designated with/without tape for medication preparation?

Is this space used for other things or is it only for medication preparation?

Do you have a tray?

Do you have computers on wheels in the patient rooms with a workspace?  Do you use this workspace?

The lively discussion that we are having is really around the word functionally separate.  My Chief saw the use of a tray or a table for medication preparation and thinks that we have to use the tray.  I don't think that this is practical.  How are you going to handle bedside barcoding and isolation patients?  If this is required, then we would have to put these trays/tables in all of the hospital rooms to handle isolation patients.

My recommendation to the units has been to designate a space for medication preparation only.  Tape is fine, not required.  Nothing else should be done there.  Workspace should be cleaned before preparing IVs.  I also think that the computer workspace is an acceptable location, so long as it is cleaned and there is nothing else on the workspace.

To me, the intent is that you have a clean workspace where you will not contaminate the IV product.

When we asked Joint Commission their response was with using the work exclusive.  Still ambiguous enough to continue our lively discussion.

So, how do you address this?

Thank you in advance!

