We are reviewing patients own medication policy, given hospitals cannot take possession of patient's-controlled substance per the DEA, nor can specialty medications be utilized during hospital stay per insurance companies.
I see previous discussion of either topic, however, I would like to get updated feedback encompassing the above. I am requesting input if you would be willing to reply to the following:
1. Has any institution established policy to not allow any patients own medication, whether to dispense or simply store?
2. If you have, is there an exception procedure (for non-controlled substances and non-specialty) and would you share it?
3. What significant patient care challenge presented by not dispensing patient own controlled substance and/or specialty medication?
(Noting that the institution will have to order with minimally 24-to-72-hour delay in obtaining depending on day of the week)
4. How have you handled not "taking possession" of patients-controlled substance when there is no one to send it home with? What do you do with the meds in the interim?
5. Any additional comments or scenarios not illustrated above?
I will collect and share this information if you are interested. Feel free to send me direct response, murraysm@upstate.edu. I will de-identify any individual responses.