Psychostimulant prescriber monitoring

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Erin Gavin
Erin Gavin's picture
Last seen: 5 days 20 hours ago
Joined: 08/02/2021 - 13:41
Psychostimulant prescriber monitoring

Hi everyone,
I'm wondering if anyone has any psychostimulant prescribing monitoring in place within your health system. We were recently alerted to a patient requesting multiple prescriptions each month at different pharmacies, reporting that the first pharmacy was out of stock. The patient would then fill the prescription at each pharmacy - paying with insurance at one then cash at the other.

I'm thinking something the lines of 1) requirements to check PMP for psychostimulants before prescribing (not sure how this would be tracked/enforced); 2) monitoring of prescribing patterns of psychostimulants.

As a parent of kids with ADHD, I have suffered the shortages and am sympathetic to having to shop around for legit reasons. But I would also expect our doc to be watching what I actually fill.

Thanks for your thoughts!
