Smart Pump Processes

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Rosemary Duncan
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Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 06/16/2015 - 22:19
Smart Pump Processes


We are revamping our smart pump processes and I’d like to know how other hospitals and health-systems function. My questions are below. Thank you in advance!

1. Who sits on your smart pump committee? What are their roles?
2. How often does the committee meet?
3. Who prepares and presents reports on smart pump use (e.g. overridden alerts, suite compliance, etc.)?
4. Are all requests for changes to library reviewed and approved by your pump committee?
5. What other committees must approve library changes (P&T, etc.)?
6. Who actually updates the pump library? Who provides the double-check?
7. Are library updates coordinated at a health-system level or locally at each hospital? If health-system, do you also have a hospital based committee?