Titration Orders - Range Goal, Block Charting, Titration Pausing

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Ghassan Moubarak
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Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 04/26/2021 - 18:23
Titration Orders - Range Goal, Block Charting, Titration Pausing

Thank You in advance!
For context, we use Cerner and are trying to standardize titrations across all our acute care hospitals.
Three topics seem to need more clarity and I am hoping to get information from this group while keeping us JC compliant:

1-range goal parameters. A facility wants to use a minimum or maximum goal versus a range goal. Verbage does not include down titration instructions as well. Also should there be separate order verbiage for absolutes (when to call provider and/or when to turn a drip off - or does a policy support that practice)

2-Block Charting: as a pharmacist this is foreign to me and I don't know if TJC sees it as appropriate: Below is an excerpt from a draft policy we have under review

and 3- titration pausing - also unsure if TJC sees this as appropriate (attached draft policy excerpt)

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

Attach files :