Good afternoon,
We are preparing for an Epic upgrade that will bring new functionality offering autocomplete suggestions as providers type while ordering things such as procedures and medications. For medications, suggestions will not appear until after the fifth character is typed. There is an option to identify a block list of character strings that should not be included as possible suggestions for medication searches. For example, if "cyclo" is included on the block list then cyclophosphamide and cyclosporine will not appear as suggestions for the provider. If "cyclophos" is on the list cyclophosphamide will not appear as a suggestion but cyclosporine could appear. Our medication safety council has been asked to recommend suggested character strings for our system's block list. We want to ensure we are addressing safety while avoiding potential frustration for providers. Have others implemented this functionality? Did you develop a block list? If so, how did you determine which character strings to add? Appreciate any feedback.