Vecuronium and rocuronium in ADS?

Julieth Formosa's picture


Due to increases in COVID-19 related intubations, our intensivists are asking that we load vecuronium and rocuronium vials in our ICU ADS (omnicell). We currently have these vials inside RSI kits, available through override in our ICUs and ED, but they are asking that we build an order panel in our EMR (Epic) that includes the vial for bolus and a drip and have the vials readily available on the unit. Has anyone received similar requests and did you change your process due to COVID--19 related intubations?

Thank you!

Julieth Formosa, Pharm.D., BCPS

MRidium pumps in Covid patients

Allison Pollock's picture


Hey all,
Wondering if anyone is using or considering use of MRidium (MRI compatible) pumps with remotes in covid19 patients. We are exploring the idea in our icu to minimize PPE use and exposure without extended tubing. Any successes or issues encountered?

We also realized in our exploration that the tubing is only approved for use for 6 hours. Have anyone addressed that issue, if you are using?


Allison Pollock, PharmD
UCSF Medical Center
Medication Safety Specialist

ISMP wants to hear from you: Prioritizing High-Alert Meds

Allison Hanson's picture


ISMP would like to know if and how you are prioritizing high-alert IV infusion medications in the event of smart pump and/or tubing shortages. For example, have you considered which medication infusions can be given via IV push or another route? Or which can be hung by gravity? What medications have you prioritized for smart pump use?

For example on the ASHP, MSOS (, and SCCM listservs we have seen examples such as:

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