Looking to see if any sites are actively adding outpatient oncology treatment plans to patient's home med lists when completing admission medication reconciliation.
We utilize EPIC, and within our health network you can see if the patient is on an active therapy / treatment plan via the storyboard. Looking more specifically at patients that may receive oncology care outside of our health network and the best place to document when they last received their treatment, what the treatment is, etc.
I can see the benefit of adding the medications to the PTA med list to increase visibility during admission, but I worry that the admitting physician may accidentally order these medications outside the safety nets that exist within the Beacon treatment/therapy plans.
Currently we only add oral oncolytics and patient self-administered injectables.
I could see the space to utilize a generic drug entry such as "other medication" and entering the treatment/therapy plan name (I.e. Folfox) with the last date the therapy was received so that the clarity exists but the admitting provider would need to take additional steps to actually order the plan.
Thanks for any input!