Med Rec

Med Rec - Oncology Treatment Plans

Aidan Ziobro's picture


Looking to see if any sites are actively adding outpatient oncology treatment plans to patient's home med lists when completing admission medication reconciliation.

We utilize EPIC, and within our health network you can see if the patient is on an active therapy / treatment plan via the storyboard. Looking more specifically at patients that may receive oncology care outside of our health network and the best place to document when they last received their treatment, what the treatment is, etc.

Med Rec Patient Report

Kevin M. Patton's picture


We are looking for examples of a patient friendly medication reconciliation report that could be used after admission to communicate clearly with our patients (actually parents, we are peds) each medication we have on their Prior to Admission med list and what was done with each medication on that list.

ICU Medication Reconciliation

Saduf Ashfaq's picture


Hello everyone! I was hoping to get some feedback regarding your ICU med reconciliation processes.

Currently our ER pharmacists do med rec from 0600-0030, so we have about a 5.5 hour gap in coverage. And of course, sometimes they are pulled away for other clinical activities so not everyone who comes through the ER has their med rec done by a pharmacist.

Provider Medication Reconciliation in the Outpatient Procedural Spaces

Amy Pouillon's picture


Our organization is currently set up to require provider reconciliation of all home medications (continue/discontinue/prescribe)in the outpatient procedural spaces (surgery, endoscopy, radiology, etc) before the after visit summary can be generated and the patient can be discharged. In each location, we do have nursing update the home medication list prior to the procedure so that the providers can "review" the current and updated list of home medications.

Medication Reconciliation - A historical challenge

Michael Van Ornum's picture


Has anyone developed or implemented a way to make the age of a medication on the history (when it was last entered or updated) visible to clinicians (MDs, RPhs, RNs, NPs, PAs, CPhTs)?

If so, has anyone incorporated alerting to the prescriber on reconciliation based on the age of the history being reconciled?

Since we are an EPIC shop, any insight or experience with a "Med Rec Module" for EPIC would also be most appreciated.


Michael Van Ornum

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