Med Rec Patient Report

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Kevin M. Patton
Kevin M. Patton's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 12/08/2020 - 16:51
Med Rec Patient Report

We are looking for examples of a patient friendly medication reconciliation report that could be used after admission to communicate clearly with our patients (actually parents, we are peds) each medication we have on their Prior to Admission med list and what was done with each medication on that list.

The thought being this report would allow families to see which of their home medications were restarted and what (if any) dose changes occurred. We are an Epic house and envision this being somewhat like the After Visit Summary but used during admission. The goal of this would be to allow patients (parents) another opportunity to verify the accuracy of their medication history and to ask questions if critical medications are not restarted on admission.

Does anyone have such a process or examples of a patient friendly Epic report that would move us in the right direction?


