Propofol bolus

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Saduf Ashfaq
Saduf Ashfaq's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Joined: 03/29/2021 - 21:01
Propofol bolus

Hello everyone!

My hospital will be converting soon from Alaris pumps to ICU medical pumps and we will no longer be allowing bolus from bag for propofol for our adult patients. Our system pharmacists as well as a couple of other affiliates decided it wasn't necessary as there is no good literature that supports use of propofol bolus and they are emphasizing using drip titration instead.

Some of our cardiovascular physicians are pushing back on this stating that boluses are needed in ECMO patients or in the immediate postop period for cardiovascular surgery patients to help with hemodynamic issues and so we are having to consider possibly having a work around (pull vials for boluses?)

I would love to know what other systems are doing, especially those who deal with a lot of ECMO and post op CV patients - do you titrate only? Do you allow boluses? And if you do allow boluses, do you do bolus from bag or do RNs pull from vials?

Any information would be greatly appreciated! (we are an Epic based system)

Thank you!
